Tuesday, 17 January 2012


On Saturday Giulia, Pietro, mum and I went to the local market.
We bought wonderful cime di rapa and broccoli, so I prepared for dinner orecchiette with le cime di rapa!!!

For the pasta dough:
400 g semola (durum ) (it’s kind of flour ground not to fine and made from durum wheat)
200 g water
If you are in a hurry you can buy the dried pasta almost in every good supermarket!

For the sauce:
600 g cime di rapa ( a special kind of broccoletti; if you don’t find them you can use broccoli, roman broccoli or broccoli calabrese, too)
Garlic (1-2 cloves)
Chilli pepper as you like

Prepare the pasta dough in the blender mixing the semola with the water

till it makes a ball.
If you have enough time, put in the fridge, in cling film, for 30 minutes to make it easier to work it.
Take the pasta dough, and work it between your hands or rolling it on a chopping board to have a “big worm” not thicker than a finger,

then cut to obtain pieces of about 1 cm.
With the right hand cut a piece of dough about 1 cm, with the thumb of the left hand hold the piece of dough while spreading it out across the chopping board with a knife (with a round edge) (all in 1 movement!), then flip it with the thumb to obtain the orecchietta.

Put a pan full of water on the stove.

When the water is boiling, put a little salt and cook in it the cime di rapa.
When they are ready (cooked but still firm), drain them without throwing away the water.
In a large pan put extra virgin olive oil, garlic (the whole clove or dice, as you prefer) and chilli. Add the cime di rapa and sauté them.

Now, boil the orecchiette in the boiling water where you cooked the cime di rapa,

when ready (they will begin to float) drain them and put in the pan with the cime di rapa.

Sauté them for 2 minutes, adding half ladle of the water where you cooked the pasta.

Serve while hot!!! Somebody add some parmigiano, or some pecorino (sheep cheese), somebody else add some anchovies… we love them very simple, it’s fast and easy recipe!! Just find good cime di rapa or broccoletti!


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