Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Easy and fast pasta

I’m back at home, after 3 weeks in Africa (Mali and Burkina Faso) and 1 week in Serbia (Novi Sad). I’ve been eating well there but I was longing for…. Italian pasta! So, as soon as I was back in my kitchen, I prepared this easy and fast recipe!


200 g spaghetti ( I chose the integrali ones!)
2 eggplants
2 zucchini
1 garlic clove (optional)
100 gr parmigiano cheese
6 tbs Extra virgin olive oil
Black pepper or peperoncino(Optional)

You can prepare it in 20 minutes!

Put a saucepan filled with water on the cooker and bring it to boil.
Cut the eggplants longitudinally in order to obtain long, narrow strips.

Sauté the eggplants strips in the olive oil at a high temperature, stirring frequently in order to obtain golden strips.

When ready

put them on a plate and put in the saucepan the zucchini, cut as the eggplants.

Sauté them,

and then put back again the eggplants strips in the pan with the zucchini. Remember to keep apart some eggplants and zucchini to garnish the dish.
In the meanwhile cook the spaghetti in the boiling salted water. One minute before the time indicated in the box, drain them and put in the pan with the eggplants and zucchini. Sauté for 1 minute.

Serve the spaghetti garnishing with some strips of zucchini and eggplants,

some garlic if you like it and parmigiano cheese on the top. If you wish you can also grid on the spaghetti some fresh black pepper or some peperoncino!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful recipe, Cri! I'll prepare it for lunch today! See you soon, darling, and keep it up, you're great!!
