Ciao a tutti!!
This evening I arrived at home and opened the fridge to prepare dinner. I sadly found only 4 slices of chicken breast..... It seems it was going to be a sad dinner... So I went in the garden and picked up a bunch of parsley and prepared the salsa verde (green sauce), an easy&fast recipe!
You can use it on boiled or grilled or barbecued meat or vegetables. I love it on aubergines!
If you don't add too much oil, it can be used as patè, and spread it over fresh baked bread.
My daughter Giulia uses it also on pasta........

100 gr parsley
½ cup white vinegar
3 anchovies fillet (packed in oil or in salt. If you use the latest rinse them well before use!)
3 slices of bread, the one that is used to prepare toasts
from 1 cup to 2 cups (if you want to use it as a patè use only one cup, if you want it as a sauce use two) extra virgin olive oil
salt: if necessary
optionals: 3 tbs capers, 1 clove of garlic
Soak the bread in the vinegar for 5 minutes.

Then squeeze it and put it in a blender with the leaves of parsley and the anchovies.

Add half cup of oil and blend it for 1 minute.

Now add the rest of the oil in 2-3 times. Add salt after tasting it! Often it is not necessary.
The sauce must be creamy but not completly smooth....

And here it is!!!