Saturday, 15 January 2011


panna montata
crema pasticcera

whipped cream
zabaione (Eggnog)
Nutella (special Italian cream with chocolate and hazelnuts)

Per natale ci hanno regalato un panettone enorme, di 5 kg!
For Christmas we received as a present a huge 5 kg Panettone!

Era cosi invitante, che abbiamo deciso di farcirlo con vari ripieni.
It was so inviting that we decided to stuff it with various fillings.
Per cominciare con crema pasticcera e panna montata,
We began with custard and whipped cream,

eccoci mentre mescoliamo delicatamente lo zabaione alla panna montata (se volete la ricetta dello zabaione, scriveteci e ve la manderemo! È facilissimo da fare!)
here we are, while gently folding the zabaglione in the whipped cream (if you want the recipe for zabaione, please write us and we will sent it! It is so easy to prepare it!)

ed infine con la mitica nutella e panna montata!!!!
and finally the legendary nutella with whipped cream!!!!

Ne abbiamo tagliato un grande spicchio.
We cut a big slice.

E poi suddiviso in quattro parti.
And then divided it into four parts.

Su ognuno degli stari abbiamo spalmato: la nutella,
On each of the layers we spread: Nutella,

lo zabaione

e la crema.
and custard.

Eccolo pronto per essere mangiato!!!!
Here it is, ready to eat!!!!

Era veramente buonissimo!
It was really BUONISSIMO!!!!

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Risotto al Barolo

Ingredients for 4 persons:
150 g pancetta (usually it is not smoked, but if you don’t find it use bacon), diced
1/2 a small onion, finely sliced
300 g rice for risotto (carnaroli, vialone nano, arborio)
60 g butter
40 g extra virgin olive oil
2 glasses Barolo (or another good red wine!, warmed
80 g grated Parmigiano
beef broth or vegetable bouillon (more or less, depending on the rice, 1 litre)
Salt and fresh grinded black pepper

Sauté the onion

and the pancetta

in the oil, and when they are translucent stir in the rice and sauté, stirring, until the grains have turned translucent, more or less for 5 minutes.
Stir in the warmed wine, a glass at a time,

and cook until it has evaporated at a low/medium heat.
Then add the hot broth, a ladle full at a time.

Continue adding liquid, and when the rice is almost done, season it with a little salt.
Continue cooking the rice till it's al dente. At this moment, the broth must be almost all absorbed by the rice.
Turn off the heat and stir in the butter

and half the grated parmigiano.
If it seems too dry, add a little more hot broth.
Let the risotto rest covered for 2-3 minutes, to absorb the last drops of broth and then it will be ready, perfectly all’onda. It’s a term that means that the risotto is not sticky and not too wet… just perfect!! It must be possible while moving the plate that the risotto “flows” a little… I hope that I have been able to explain it!
Serve it with a sprinkle of parmigiano and fresh grinded black pepper on it!