Friday, 30 December 2011

Gnocchi al gorgonzola

Mum called me at seven o’clock pm asking for a good dinner!!
I open the fridge and found some nice gorgonzola, so I prepared for her gnocchi al gorgonzola.
In less than one hour dinner was ready!!


Ingredients for the gnocchi:
600 gr potatoes
250 gr flour
1 egg
Ingredients for the sauce:
200 gr gorgonzola
3 tbs milk

Boil the potatoes with the skin.
When they are ready drain them and peel them. Be careful, they will be very hot!
Smash them with a fork or with the “schiaccia patate” till they are still hot.

Put them in a bowl and add the flour and the egg.

Mix everything till it is smooth, don’t work it too much, the gnocchi dough is very delicate and doesn’t like to be over worked.
If you are in a hurry put everything in the blender and mix the dough for very few minutes.
Now, prepare the gnocchi:
Take a little amount of gnocchi dough and roll it in your hands till you have a worm.

Cut it in little pieces:


Roll them in some flour so they will not stick to each other.
If you have some time put theme in the fridge, otherwise you can boil them immediately.
Put a pan filled with water on the stow and bring the water to boil. When the water is boiling add the salt.
When the water is boiling again put the gnocchi in the pan.

Stir the gnocchi very very gently and when they come up on the surface of the water, they are ready.
Drain them and put in the pan where you melted the gorgonzola with the milk for few minutes.

Now serve them in a dish where you put a tbs of salsa verde (see the previous post) if you won’t you can add some grated parmigiano and pepper!!!

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Crema di riso

I’m reading our recipe book, and I find the recipe of Crema di riso!!!


50 g rice originario (it's used to prepare dessert, it's adsorbe a lot of liquid)
60 g sugar
600 g milk
150 g double cream
Lemon skin

Mix with a whisk rice, sugar, milk, vanilla and lemon skin.

Put on the stove and wait

until the rice has absorbed the milk.

Whip the double cream and add to the rice, after letting it cool down.

Put it in a nice bowl and grate the chocolate on the top!!!

Sunday, 23 October 2011


100 g butter
200 g sugar
250 g flour
16 g vanilla baking powder
2 eggs
200 g milk

Put in the robot the butter, cut in dices, and mix it with the sugar.

When it is well mixed add the flour with the vanilla baking powder.

Then add the eggs, one at a time.

Add the milk.

Choose a baking pan (possibly a funky flower shaped one!!) grease with butter and dust with flour if it is not a silicon one us ours.

Fill it with the mixture

and baked in an already hot oven at 180°C for around 30 minutes.
Control with a toothpick if it’s ready.

To take it off from the baking pan easier wait till it cools down a little.

You can add to the mixture some chopped chocolate or walnuts or hazelnuts or figs……

Ready for breakfast!!!!

Friday, 14 October 2011


This afternoon Cristina flew to London and we had a look to her fridge and we found a pumpkin, tomatoes and a lot of eggs, so we decided to prepare ravioli (fresh egg pasta) filled with pumpkin and served with tomato sauce!

Here is the recipe:
For the fresh egg pasta, put in the blender 3 eggs and 300 g of flour, for three persons (if you want to prepare the pasta by hands, have a look at our first post!)

Put the pasta in the fridge for 30 minutes, so it will be easier to roll it!

• pumpkin 700 g (once cleaned, 400 g)
• amaretti 20 g
• mustard 1 teaspoon
• salt and pepper

Salsa di pomodoro (tomato sauce):
• fresh tomatoes 400 g
• garlic 2 cloves
• extra virgin olive oil
• basil

In the meanwhile prepare the pumpkin. Clean and cut it and put it in a baking pan in the oven, at 180 C for around 40 minutes (it will depend on the type of pumpkin) or till it’s tender and not to watery.
Put it in the blender or use the minipimer to obtain a pure. Season it with salt, and if you like it, with some pepper. Then add the mustard, the crumbled amaretti and mix everything.

To prepare the sauce, put in a pan the garlic with 4 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, let it became a little gold (don’t burn it!!), then add the diced tomatoes, a little salt (pepper if you like) and cook for a while (15 minutes, depending on how watery are the tomatoes!). Don’t cook it to much! Once cooked, out of the fire add some leaves of fresh basil torn with your hands. Don’t cut the basil with a knife, because the leaves are very delicate and will get oxidized!

Roll the dough with the rolling pin.

Put a tsp of filling on the dough and then cover with more dough.

Push the dough with your finger near the filling to close the ravioli.

Cut the ravioli with a knife or with a roller (as in the photo).

Use all the filling…

Cook the ravioli in boiling salted water for 3-5 minutes, depending on how thick you rolled the dough and on how much water you put in the pan.

GIULIA VERSION: Drain them and put them in the pan with the tomato sauce.
Serve them very hot with grated parmigiano on the top!!

PATRIZIA VERSION: Drain them and put them in the dish with some butter on the top and some parmigiano too.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Fagotto alle pesche

If you are in a hurry and don’t have to much time to cook but still… you would like to eat a light dessert… try this “fagotto alle pesche”, (bundle with peaches)!
It’s wonderful! You can eat it hot or cold, alone or with some yogurt or whipped cream or crema pasticcera (custard).
Try it and let me know if you liked it!!

Ingredients for the pastry:
95 gr flour
50 gr butter
1 tbs sugar
1 tbs cold water

Ingredients for the filling:
12 gr amaretti
15 gr flour
10 gr sugar
1 ts cinnamon
2 peaches or apples or pears pr plums

Put in a bowl or in the blender, the flour, the butter cut in dices and the sugar. Blend it till you obtain …. crumbles…

Now, add the cold water and very rapidly mix the pastry till it’s smooth. Don’t work it more than it is necessary!!

Do a ball and put it in the fridge for at least 20 minutes (you can prepare it 1 or 2 days in advance and keep it in the fridge ready to use!

For the filling: crumble the amaretti and then add the flour, the cinnamon and the sugar.

Cut the peaches in slices and pour on them some lemon juice to prevent the oxidation of the fruit.
Now, roll out the pastry with the rolling pin (round or squared shape),

put in the centre (leaving a border of 4-5 cm all the way around the pastry) the mixture of amaretti, flour, cinnamon and sugar (it will be useful to absorb the juice of the fruit!), put the slices of peaches over this mixture,

and just pull the edges of the pastry toward the centre leaving an opening at the centre from which you can see the peaches.

It’s easier to understand how to do it looking at the picture!!!

Brush the pastry with some milk and pour on it some sugar.

Bake in the hot oven at medium temperature (180°C) for 10-15 minutes (it depends on how thick is your pastry!)

Buon appetito!

Tuesday, 30 August 2011


Biscuit pastry
80 flour
140 icing sugar
3 eggs
Vanilla extract or vanilla pod
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoon cold water

Ganache cream
300 dark chocolate
240 whipping cream
50 icing sugar

Prepare the pastry:
whip the 3 yolks with the sugar,

then add 2 tablespoon of cold water and the vanilla extract or the seeds inside the vanilla pod.

Now add the baking powder and the sieved flour.

In another bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff

(they must be so stiff that you can turn the bowl upside down without the egg whites falling out!)

Then very gently fold beaten egg whites into the flour.

Put the pastry into a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (34 x 24 cm more or less).

Bake in the oven (180°C for 15’ minutes).

When it is cooked, overthrow the cake on a damp kitchen towel

and roll it gently from the side along.

In the meanwhile prepare the ganache cream:
Melt the chocolate with the sugar (chop the chocolate into pieces and then melt them in the microwave oven at low temperature or put the chocolate in a bowl, and then put it in a pan filled with hot water).

Add the whipping cream and put it in the fridge to cool.

When it is ready, whip it to obtain a thick ganache cream.

Now, gently unroll the cake

and spread over it 2/3 of the ganache cream,

roll it again

and wrap in cling film.

Put in the fridge for at least one hour.
Spread the remaining ganache cream on the rolled cake, decorate with strawberries, slices of peaches, tufts of whipped cream.

To serve, cut it in slices and… enjoy it!