Saturday, 3 July 2010


On Sunday morning we decided to go to Bevagna where there was the Mercato delle GAITE,

a medieval fest, during which the town is time-warped back to the Middle Ages!
All the people are wearing medieval dresses (no watches or modern jewellery allowed!) and in the streets and alleys of Bevagna you can live again the life lived by its inhabitants in the past centuries.

You fill find a real medieval market, selling animals, wax candles, cheeses, soaps……

There are medieval activities going on… from blacksmithing, to falconry, to paper making.

You can buy hand made soap and “ciauscolo sotto la cenere”, a tasteful salame covered with ashes..

When you get tired of walking you can sit in some of the “taverne”, drink a glass of local wine (near Bevagna there is Montefalco, well known for its Sagrantino!) and eat torta al testo with prosciutto (a local focaccia) or strangozzi al sugo d’oca (hand made fresh pasta with tomato and goose sauce).

Well, just get a look to the pictures and you will fell as you were in Bevagna in the 13th century!!!